Synopsis: This book contains Five Heart Warming Tales.
1."The Psychiatrist and the Thief," is a comedy- mystery .
2."Her Online Predator" is an exciting mystery - thriller /romance. It is a must read especially for young people who like to make friends on the Internet..That friend you make may not be who he/she claims to be.
3."A Marriage on the Rocks," is about a young couple who had serious problems in their marriage. Did their marriage survive?
4."The Undertaker's wife" is about a suspicious wife who doubted her husband.
5."Letters of Love" A loving brother seeks to guide his sister on the right path with his spiritual wisdom.
Review: This is the second collection of stories I have read in a row. This author is new to me so it is interesting to pick up this writer's particular 'voice' and over the course of this book, it comes across well.
Her Online Predator is perhaps the best of a strong bunch of stories, with Marriage On the Rocks a close second (though the male character Roberto was a little to subservient to his wife for my liking). The Undertaker's Wife has a wonderful underlying plot - we can probably see what is coming before the end, and its cool to see the MC freaking out along the way, before the big reveal is made.
All the stories are well written and readable. The stories are different from each other and make for interesting reading. Recommended.