Saturday 3 October 2015

The One (The Selection, #3) by Keira Cass


Synopsis: The time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants.

Review: The Selection was an enjoyable, light read. As a standalone book, it offered romance, a love triangle and some dystopian elements.

The Elite actually took some of those elements forward and made it a more intriguing read.

By the time of The One, you would think these elements would collide into each other to create
a hell of a finale.

In some ways, it delivers on these.

America, or Mer, remains a divisive character. Sometimes I think she is really growing into the role of Number One Princess, other times she doesn't seem to have grown much from the girl who left her
family in Book One.

There's simply no reason for her to like Maxon. Over the three books, he remains a mystery to me. He doesn't  seem remotely 'kingly', and yet his only apparent competition is Aspen - who is still hanging around after telling the poor girl to 'do one.'

Main characters aside, I'm actually growing quite fond of Celeste. She's not Bad Girl Number One - she actually has some reasoning for her actions, and even though her cattish behaviour was a bit annoying in The Selection, she's actually become my favourite character.

Marlee remains nice. And that's it. She's nice, and that's all anyone can say about her.

So why stick with the series?

Well, it's actually rather readable - a minimum requirement for a book, but in this regard Keira Cass succeeds. I credit her for trying something different, even if the idea of a monarchy in a dystopian world isn't fully realised for me.

By the end of The One, whilst some of it you just know is going to happen, there were some things I did not expect.

Finally the rebels actually do something - and for the first time it seems we could be in for terrific finale.

I kind of believe The One isn't so much the end of Mer's story, but the start of Eadlyn's one (The Heir - which I will definitely be reading).

I probably wouldn't go for the short novellas unless you are a real Selection fan and a completist.

The One just about delivers. On Amazon, I will be giving this book four stars.

Book Review: A Circle Around Forever by Robert K Swisher


Synopsis: The outstanding characters in A Circle Around Forever create an epic tale that will fill you with wonder and touch every emotion that is humanly possible: A spirit that is all of the sky, pictographs that come to life to protect and also teach, ghosts of evil and ghosts of good will, stones with the knowledge of immortality, people that are both young and old at the same time, a man with the gift of rainbows, a lady whose tears sprout acres of flowers, a murderer, a boy born with all the knowledge of the world, an evil ghost that longs for nothingness and whose sole purpose is to defeat all who love, a love between two people that started with the beginning of time and is tested to its limits, a battle between Love and Hate that can either plunge the world into darkness or light.

Review: A Circle Around Forever works on so many levels that it is hard to quantify exactly what the author has created here. The story of how wicked Grandma Bertha controls her grandson from the grave is quite something. When he starts exhibiting actions that no young child should be able to do, and how he cryptically talks about the 'voices', one might think they are in for stock horror fare.

When it's done correctly, there's no problem with that.

I have to say that this book came highly recommended to me, so expectations were already high. What I did not expect was my own expectations to be blown out of the water.

It's not a long book, but maybe that's because it is written so well. I was pulled in from the start, wanted to let it go and indeed had things to do. When I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it - another good sign.

The battle of good versus evil takes on a new meaning in this book. It's amazing that amongst the amount of popularist pap that so often hit the top of the charts, or are fawned over on book programmes that lavish praise on the author but rarely have a book to back that praise up, that this title would have been possibly overlooked by me.

The book has a real power to shock, not in an overtly grisly way (although when it does, it is executed brilliantly). I'm trying to think where I may have read a story like this before, and I cannot offer another story to you like this one.

There are some biblical references which serve to highlight the overall seriousness of the book, but the author never drags us down into a 'repent, lest ye will be judged' situation. It's pretty much perfectly balanced between thriller, epic, horror, and ultimately is a story that makes you think.

My only regret is not getting to this story sooner.

Some may find the tone is too bleak or unsettling for their liking. For me, this was one book I didn't want to end. I can give it no higher recommendation than that!

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Book Review: Serendipity by James Duncan

Synopsis: 'If you have your health, but you don't have your wealth - then you have less nothing.' asserted Edward Noble. 
First, utterly bankrupt in spiritual terms, the amoral Edward Noble is then utterly bankrupted financially. 
For a man who dismissed most people as losers, he is now humiliated in every sense as he becomes 'a big league player for the Loserville Losers'. His misadventures soon lead to Skid Row, as he is cuckolded, ripped off and rejected in a perverse about-turn of Fate. 
But if Edward can only learn humility, Serendipity, sweet Serendipity is calling to him. She offers him opportunities that he had never dreamt were possible. 

Review: Serendipity is quite a roller coaster ride of a book. Our main character, Edward Noble, appears to be the polar opposite of his name, at least at the start of the book.

He seems to be driven by money, making money, and lots of it. Not exactly a likeable trait in today's 'me me me' world.

When an investment goes wrong, it is not the investment owners that take the hit (in a scene that is almost Biblical in its execution), but Edward himself.

He finds himself suddenly unable to live the life he is now thrust into, and the future doesn't look rosy for him all of a sudden.

The narrative is good - it explains Edward's actions whilst at the same time giving us a background into the financial world he was part of. At the first time of reading I wanted to understand exactly why Malcolm and Matt were tucking him up. I then accepted it that banking is very much a dog eat dog world - moreso perhaps than other industries.

In essence, the author tries to get us on side with Edward, even though at the outset, I certainly didn't want to root for him.

Serendipity is a serious book that has occasional light overtones. It takes you on a journey with a man who had suddenly lost everything he considered valuable in his life.

When it is Edward asking a beggar for money, you know that this man's journey is one you have to take alongside him.

Serendipity is one of those novels that taste like a trifle you are not sure about. As you delve more into it, it reveals itself to be a clever tale, and in part, how one can redeem themselves from such a terrible situation.

There's lots of very English slang words to the book, and those of us who are from different parts of England will have fun decoding some of the references.

A line that stood out for me:-

The problem with ladies with real class is that they are fully equipped with a powerful b***-s*** detector, which would eliminate a man with a story to tell like Edward's at 200 yards.

This is a strong debut from author James Duncan. He has also co-authored another work with the multi-talented J Kahele. So if you want to get an understanding of how this author's mind words, start with Serendipity. You cannot go wrong with this!

Monday 28 September 2015

Book Review: Beguiling the Beauty by Sherry Thomas


Synopsis: When the Duke of Lexington meets the mysterious Baroness von Seidlitz-Hardenberg on a transatlantic liner, he is fascinated. She’s exactly what he’s been searching for—a beautiful woman who interests and entices him. He falls hard and fast—and soon proposes marriage.And then she disappears without a trace…

For in reality, the “baroness” is Venetia Easterbrook—a proper young widow who had her own vengeful reasons for instigating an affair with the duke. But the plan has backfired. Venetia has fallen in love with the man she despised—and there’s no telling what might happen when she is finally unmasked… 

Review: There's quite a lot of reviews for this book already, so I am not sure what I can add to it. What I will say, is that this is the fourth read of Ms Thomas' and once again, the author delivers a fun, well written tale that makes us enjoy the story immensely.

The characters play out a lot of nuances of unrequited love, and this goes on for a long time, the best part of a decade in this case.

Why is this so? Well, even the best of us have played the game of love - poorly. Why should any well to do characters be any different.

This is part of a series, though at the end of the book, many story arcs are resolved. I'm reading this series having already read the prequel novella - Claiming the Duchess. If you are new to Ms Thomas' works, there could be no better introduction. In the end, I was between a 4 and 5 star rating for this book. It's a solid 4.5 if I could apply such a rating. I'll definitely be reading the rest of the series.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Book Review: Give and Take: A Tale of Erotica, by Tom Benson


Synopsis: Nick and Kirsten are an attractive couple in their early 20’s and share an apartment. To the outside world they are perfectly matched, but behind closed doors things are not so straightforward. 
Nick’s appetite for sexual experimentation goes beyond what Kirsten will allow. Kirsten’s love for Nick is pushed to the limit, however, she confides in a friend and takes a course of action that nobody would have expected – least of all her boyfriend. 
The couple find themselves in a world where they will both see fantasy become reality, but at what cost? 

Review: This is the third book I have read by Tom Benson and once again, there is a standard to his writing, real elements of perfection that readers will appreciate.

Give and Take certainly is an adult book, never shying away from themes that many people would find eye popping. This isn't such a bad thing in itself - too often we are in our comfort zone, we really should test those elements far more often than we actually do.

For those of us who could not see us actually doing any of the things in this book, at least we can let it play out in the actions of our main characters, Nick and Kirsten.

I don't wish to generalise or demonise the male sex, but 20 something Nick is aggressive when it comes to sex, and it seems that his demands dominate those of poor Kirsten. I don't think this makes Nick a bad guy. After all, when I was in my early twenties, I was pretty much the same in the company of attractive women. I don't think the hormonal rage calms down so much as it changes somewhat as we age.

But Kirsten is not finding things easy with Nick. That is not to say she wants love without considering the idea of experimentation, it is just that she feels the reality is not so attractive to her. But Nick won't be told that.

Some women readers will like the idea of a strong male knowing what he wants in the bedroom. For my viewpoint, there didn't seem to be a valve on Nick, he wanted it all, he wanted it now, and he wanted it, again and again.

Some elements really will turn readers off. It is an explicit book that let's you into Nick's head - you may not want to be there all the time!

That said, as befitting an author of Tom Benson's standard, this tale of erotica rises above a lot of the awfully written smut out there. The genre is not my favourite, but the author, I believe, could write almost any genre and be perceived as an authority on it. I'm yet to read a Tom Benson book that hasn't worked for me, and I strongly recommend you give this book a chance.

In the end, the story is much more about relationships and understanding than unusual sexual demands. Will Nick and Kirsten stay together? Will she tire of him, yet find something has awoken in her, to the point that these desires need to be experienced for real?

The book teases us with these possible scenarios and gives us a satisfying ending.

There are other characters in the book too. My favourite alongside Kirsten, was Lauren. If you add in the structure to the book, where chapters like The Red Room and The Green Room will start to take on new meanings for you ( I mean, I have had a Red Room for years, but it's not like anything in this book - am I missing out on something?!)

This book is way above other tales of erotica (with the exception being the author's 'Coming Around') and will titillate some, make others smile, and educate some others. Overall it is an enjoyable read that doesn't take the themes too seriously in themselves, but is seriously well written. having read this, I'll be looking for another book by this talented author.

Friday 18 September 2015

Book Review: Language in the Blood by Angela Lockwood


Synopsis: Until the outbreak of the First World War, young Cameron Blair would have liked nothing better than to stay in Edinburgh and marry his childhood sweetheart. As the call to arms goes out, Cameron and his pals sign up to fight for their country. They are soon delivered into the nightmare of war, and there Cameron more than meets his maker. 

The story follows Cameron as he comes to terms with his new ‘life’, from his first days as a hapless vampire in war-torn France to the glamorous modern day setting of the Côte d’Azur. Along the way, he develops a distinctive taste for the finer things in life: jewels, yachts, small dogs and champagne-infused human... 

Review: Language in the Blood is a very impressive debut novel and is the first in a compelling vampire tale. When the story begins, our *hero* is fighting alongside many of his colleagues in a world war. Cameron's transition from soldier to vampire is cleverly done, and once I had arrived at that point in the book, I was hooked.

The title is perhaps the most cleverest thing about this book. It's very difficult for a vampire story to bring anything new, but the author absolutely delivers here. I loved how the title was weaved so intricately into this vampire's very special way of existing.

I think this is an extremely ambitious story, because it covers several decades of the vampire's existence. The driving factor for him is to find his maker, but in the meantime, he has to feed, and again, this is well executed by the author.

There is a tiny bit of middle story lag, which is perhaps understandable when a story has a reasonable length like this one, but the pace is broadly steady, picking up apace in the final third of the book.

It is full of surprises, twists and turns. The supporting cast is great, and how they interact with Cameron is again, superbly well done. You almost feel for anyone getting close to him, because a vampire only exists to feed - even on those he has some feelings for.

Cameron reminded me a lot of Lestat, from Anne Rice's superb Vampire Chronicles. That's perhaps the best recommendation I can give to this book, in that it is the best vampire story I have read in many years.

A big plus to this story, and extremely hard to pull off in a vampire story, is the humour. Cameron narrates the tale, exclaiming at one point:-

'I found cinemas just too dangerous to be in - all those warm bodies packed together....just too tempting!'

If we were in his position, wouldn't we feel the same?

Another line I liked, especially as I have Scottish friends who would agree with this following:-

"I'm Scottish. We only come in pale."

The humour should not make you think the book cannot hit you with great statements. I just have to highlight this,because I loved it:-

'That was the problem with human blood, it healed and made you feel better, but it also washed the humanity and moral sense right out of you.'

Watch out for the reference to Madame Marechal. This literally had me rolling about on the floor. And my floors are hard, but the bruises were worth it.

"She was found screaming blue murder saying that a vampire took and sucked the dog dry right in front of her."

"A Vampire?"

"She really has gone quite mad and walks around holding a large cross, saying that vampires are coming to eat our dogs."

There are many others that will have you smiling, but essentially this a vampire tale that slow burns, building to a rather fantastic ending. It's great to know book two is out there already. As for ratings, I was leaning from a strong four rating to five. In the end it gets a five because the story, just like Cameron, has a swagger and a coolness that no-one could fall to love. Is he flawed? Of course he is. he's not really that attractive, though women do seem to find him charming.

I just felt the author helped us understand the vampire more, than making him a simple one dimensional killer, or a pathetic love struck fool. Angela Lockwood's vampire has authority. He is powerful, rather scary, and seemingly, cannot be stopped. I'm intrigued to know where the next book will take us.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Book Review: Betrayal - The Consequences by Sharon Brownlie


Synopsis: A year has passed since the arrest of serial killer, Helen King. She has languished in jail awaiting her fate. Her wait is over and her day of reckoning has arrived. It is time for her to face the consequences of her crimes.

Will Helen go quietly? Has she laid her ghosts to rest?

Review: After the events in Betrayal, it wasn't really in doubt what was going to happen to our anti-heroine Helen King. What would have been less obvious, and perhaps remains so, is what would happen to us, as the readers of the stories.

I admitted to many people that Betrayal was a hard read. I don't mind books with graphic violence and so on, but sometimes I want books to take me away from everyday life. On reading Betrayal, I felt very much part of the surroundings of Helen's back story. It was an uncompromising tale that never flinched for a moment. That is its power.

If anything, Betrayal - The Consequences proves how important it is to give authors of all kinds a try. The first book was my introduction to Miss Brownlie's works, and I believe she is becoming something of an auto-buy author for me - I simply enjoy what she writes.

Betrayal - The Consequences is a very interesting addition to the series. As I stated at the top of the review, it is obvious Helen is in for more hardship, but it is not what one expects. In fact, there seems to be a sense of resignation about Helen in this story, she not only accepts her fate, but seems to have taken a morbid delight in planning it.

She's more in control of her life - this part of her life, than the lawmakers think.

That said, this story focusses more on DI Brennan. Readers will have their own view about that, perhaps wanting Helen to feature more in the story. But here is my take on this - even when Helen is not in the story, she kind of still is. Her presence throughout is undeniable.

This story works quite well on its own, but it would be amiss of me not to say that you really should read the original Betrayal first.There's also a feminist undertone to the book in parts, that never tries to be preachy. 

Lines like this:-

"I don't want to hear any of your feminist remarks here in the station. You would be mistaken anyway. After all, fifty percent of the people who work in this building are women."

Then comes this reply:-
Yes, but most of them are in the canteen or the typing pool."

A funny line amongst the serious subject matter, but it works in the context of the story.<br /><br />(I also had a chuckle at the mention of Betty as a name for a Ford car. My number plate is part BT, so my mum calls it Bet, or Betty. I tell her the car is named Annika, after Seven of Nine. She knows I like Star Trek! Anyway....)

I think the author, through the persona of Brennan, wants us to feel something other than distaste for Helen. I believe it works. The author never sugar coats what Helen did. She did awful things and she is going to pay for them. She is a product, perhaps, of the awful things that happened to her as a young child.

I believe there is a message within the book about finding your inner strength amongst adversity, and regaining control of your life even when it is going from one disaster to another.

Overall, I liked this book a lot. It reads better than its longer counterpart, but packs no less of a punch.Also, there is more to come from certain characters in the series, so I really like where it's going now!