Tuesday 2 October 2012

A rainy day - perfect for writing / Challenging Facebook

I used to hate the rain a lot, but given that I did (and still do) a lot of martial arts training in all weathers, and I have to say, my students too, that well, you have to make your peace with it at some point. Since I started writing in earnest over two years ago, I find that I enjoy the rainy days more and more.

I'm also re-evaluating my on-line presence via social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and so on.

I've had a Facebook account for nearly two years, but after the second security breach, I decided I was going to pull away from it. I haven't deactivated the account, but I'm close to doing so. I just wanted to let those who do contact me via Facebook that I wouldn't be sticking around there.

For the time being, that is truly how I feel.

Back to writing then :)

UPDATE: October 2013...despite not really using it much, I have retained the Twitter account the publisher set up two years ago. I haven't returned to Facebook, and do not intend to!

Welcome to my books page

Hi, I'm John Hennessy. I'm a writer, and in 2011 my first book, The Essence of Martial Arts, was published. Even though it's only been out for a year,it's sold rather well for a martial arts book and, in my case, a first time writer. I learned a lot from the process, so if your aspiration is to be a writer, maybe my blog can offer you some tips.

I'm currently working on two follow up books, one about my first teacher, who had a great effect on me. The various publishers and editors I took my first book to, all agreed on one thing - that she was someone whose story should be told in a follow up book. So I'm working on that.

I try to write 5000 words a week, but this can vary wildly. Currently, I'm working on a re-draft of my first fantasy novel, which I wrote between December 2011 and May 2012.

There's another one too. It's a fantasy book as well, because, as much as I love martial arts, sometimes, it's great to step outside of that world and do something completely different. Expect more news as and when I have it.