Monday 30 September 2013

Currently Reading "The World According to Bob" by James Bown

Having read and thoroughly enjoyed 'A StreetCat Named Bob', it's really no surprise that this book follows in the same vein. Bob is a totally cool cat, and truly, the book's strapline doesn't lie - the duo do have many more adventures and it is a fun, if scary read, sometimes.

Fun - because anyone who has a cat will know of their little 'ways' in the manner only an owner knows.

Scary - because some of the situations they find themselves in are indeed 'what the hell?' moments and you can't put the book down because you want to know what happens next.

Anyway, it's a top read so far. I understand there are seven boos in the series, so whilst some may feel it is more of the same, I honestly feel like it's a very fresh read. It leaves you with a nice feeling inside. How mant books can you say have done that for you?

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